Matt Sach signaling his intentions!!
Dickie Seldon showing fine form on his debut.
Goldie crouches ready for the next delivery..
He's got this one covered..
or not!!!!!
But with fine fielding in the deep by Dickie, another Sunset wicket falls..
Mr Coombes runs in past umpire Raistrick
and gets some good air in the bound... for his age anyway!!
Ben Wooley driving before pulling his hamstring..
Dickie Seldon takes on the bowling from his very first ball..
Bill timing the ball to perfection as usual..
and sadly walks off pondering what could have been..
Andy Green steadies the ship after bills demise..
along with Mr House.. who played with great caution..
which kept the spectators warm on a cool evening..
and fine judgement..
Not playing with his dads exuberance Toby Seldon stuck to his task to see Newton Pop home to another victory.
But misses a straight one..