Newton Poppleford Cricket Club

Newton Poppleford Cricket Club News story

Club Updates: We need your availability

19 Jul 2020


All members
Planning for our return to cricket is now underway. However, I feel it is important to repeat to everyone how important it is that those wishing to play, act now! Pay your membership, ensure that your website registration details (including a valid telephone number) are up-to-date, and complete your availability for all fixtures.

Currently, there are only six members that have done so. This is not enough for us to return to the field of play. I realise that some may not know due to work rotas and similar. However, without a clear picture of who can, and cannot, play it will be impossible (and unfair on opponents and venues) to confirm fixtures. Finding extra players to fill in will not be an option so please update your information now.

If there has not been a significant change by Wednesday of this week then the Club's Management Committee will have to discuss the viability of playing matches this season.

I am pleased to be able to let those who have supported the fundraising for the new square mower know, that the funds raised to date have now been transferred to the club's bank account.


Antony Cox
NPCC Club Secretary